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argentine writers造句

"argentine writers"是什麼意思  argentine writersの例文  


  • Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges was nominated several times but never won.
  • Irish Argentine writer Rodolfo Walsh was born in the town in 1927.
  • Based on an original story by the Argentine writer Celia Alc醤tara.
  • DATED is inspired by the novel Rayuela, from the Argentine writer Julio Cort醶ar.
  • It included a homage to the Argentine writer Ernesto S醔ato.
  • It is named after Argentine writer and journalist Florencio Varela.
  • According to Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, Bahamut is the giant fish that Falak.
  • One of the most vocal critics of Peronism was the Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges.
  • Two well known Argentine writers, Ricardo Rojas and Julio Carreras, have written works on these myths.
  • "' Magdalena Ruiz Gui馻z?"'( born 15 February 1935 ) is an Argentine writer and journalist.
  • It's difficult to see argentine writers in a sentence. 用argentine writers造句挺難的
  • After decades of neglect, the property was revived by Argentine writer Susana Bombal in the 1930s.
  • In 2005, Argentine writer Edgar Brau published " Woodstock ", a long poem commemorating the festival.
  • Her contemporaries include Argentine writer Alfonsina Storni, Uruguayan writer Juana de Ibarbourou and Chilean poet Gabriela Mistral.
  • During the late 1960s, Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges was asked for his opinion of Pablo Neruda.
  • Argentine writer Ernesto Sabato later said he had " suffered injustice, lack of understanding, slander and gossip ".
  • "' " An Examination of the Work of Herbert Quain " "'( original Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges.
  • Plarr's other principal acquaintance is Julio Saavedra, a forgotten but self-important Argentine writer of novels full of silent machismo.
  • "' Ricardo Piglia "'( November 24, 1941  January 6, 2017 ) was one of the foremost contemporary Argentine writers.
  • The city also appears in a short story, The Garden of Forking Paths, by the Argentine writer Jorge Lu韘 Borges.
  • A film within the piece is inspired by the magic realism of the Argentine writer Julio Cortazar, who died in 1984.
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